28. Februar 2010

5 must see sights in Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral Paris France
The Cathedral Notre Dame in Paris, one of the first majestic building in French Gothic style built in the 12/13th century.

Arc de triumphe Paris France
Arc de Triumphe is one of the defining monuments of Paris, France. It honours the soldiers who fought for France, including 660 names of all the generals and wars faught. The floor of the moument contains the tomb of the unknown soldier from World War I.

Tour Eiffel Paris France Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, one of the most photographed sights in the world and used in several love stories, you can walk up the stairs or use the lift :)

The Louvre Paris FranceThe Louvre, in Paris, France, is one of the world's most visited art museums, an historic monument, and a national symbol. The collection contains nearly 35,000 pieces displayed over the structure's 60,000 square meters (650,000 sq ft).

Sacre Coeur basilica Paris FranceSacre Coeur on Montmartre, Paris
This is a famous basilica in Paris. It sits high on a hill and is beautifully lit in the evening. This is the birthplace of the Jesuits back in 1534.

11. Februar 2010

EntreCard's E-Mail: Ghost Dropper solution!

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your blog post (http://cornys-moneypage.blogspot.com/2010/02/entrecard-members-get-scammed-by-these.html).

You've raised valid concerns regarding users trying to cheat the system and we appreciate you taking the time to do the investigation.

For the time being, our developers have been able to fixed the problem relating to the "ghost droppers" from the site you told us about (http://?????????.blogspot.com/).
We anticipate other methods will come along and we will address those as they turn up.

Your investigation was very insightful, but we do not believe that all the users you've listed are cheating the system.
A few might, but not all of them. It's possible that some users are accessing your blog over a few days without clearing their cache. When this happens, the users will still see an entrecard widget (cached version) even though you have removed it. This could be the reason why you are still receiving drops.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Entrecard Support

10. Februar 2010

EntreCard: Top Dropper RSS-Feed added

After removing the Dropaholics-Widget because the website will shut down soon, i give the TOP 5 Droppers again link love by adding the EntreCard's TOP Dropper RSS-Feed.

In case you would like to get a link back to your blog, simply drop daily (commenting would be appreciated, too) on my blog and the chances will be there that you are get some exposure and additional visitors to your blog, too.

I just monitor who is dropping cards even when i don't have the EntreCard widget on my blog -> so far 63 members managed to make "FAKE" DROPS (and quite many are popular blogs and TOP Droppers on many other blogs!)

-> results are published on Cornyman's Money-Blog !

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